Oh man it has definitely been a rainy week! It has usually just rained
at night so weve gotten lucky, but its just terrible walking around in
it all. i hadnt shined my shoes in a week and then this thursday and
friday we had training with the president so i decided to shine em up
and then try and keep them clean for the ride to the stake
center...yeah that was pointless. they were covered in mud by the time
we got there. So im pretty sure im not gonna shine them up until i
get transfered out of Tumbes. The other terrible thing about the rain
is that the mosquitos are coming. they havent been all that bad so
far, but with all this rain and sitting water that we have in the
streets now, its definietly coming. Elder Rice and Cabrera, another
companionship, live in a house connected to our pensionista but we
live like a block away. anyways we have an actual roof so we cant hear
the rain when it rains, but they have a tin roof, and they just get
ROCKED in the middle of the night when it dumps here. i feel kinda bad
but im glad that its not us :) haha
I was actually thinking about the blessings that our family has
experienced the other day. its pretty amazing. Earlier this week we
had exchanges of companions and Elder Trudo, our District Leader, came
and worked with me in our area, Los Angeles 2. It was awesome, he only
has about 3 more months than i do but hes a cool guy. Hes from
Arkansas and he was telling me all about his family and the blessings
that hes seen while hes been gone and getting ready. Thats how i feel.
The mission really does bring everything into perspective though, just
reading from prophets and learning gospel principles everyday, its a
whole nother life. Its a testimony to me that our Heavely Father cares
for us and is looking out for us. We just have to search him out
As for the work in our area, weve been working hard, and seeing small
miricles here and there but not a whole lot of people REALLY wanting
to do anything. and thats what president Chipman has been stressing,
finding out who really wants to do something and who wants to just
listen to the Palabra de Dios (word of god) thats all you ever hear
down here haha. "oh yeah i love to listen to the word of god, come on
in...but im catholic so dont even think im gonna change" lol its tough
at times. but thats why were here, to work, the rest will come with
Well all, the work goes on down here. I learn more everyday, but i
really have got to get better with teaching and being ready to teach.
i feel bad for my comp sometimes, he still has to carry us in the
lessons. maybe some day right ;) Miss you all.
I know this church is true and that is organized and run by our
Heavely Father from the top down.
Keep up the good work in the states and ill talk to you next week!
Elder Woodburn
Good Job Alli for finally getting this up and running and for keeping it updated! I miss you friend!