It's my Birfweek!

Thats right everyone in ALL of the world, its my birthweek so you betterstop everything youre doing and think about me! okay now you can allcontinue on with your daily lives :D haha no im pretty sure that today isSean Howards birthday if im not mistaken, and if i am mistaken that ishould at least be close and he should thank me for even trying ;) lolFeliz Cumpliaños Sean Howard! Thank you all so much for the Birthdaywishes! we will have to see how it goes...its a wednesday so it willprobably be wake up at 6:30, eat, study, tract, eat, study, tract, Englishclasses, eat, plan, sleep :) haha It will definitely be a birthday toremember. Still no word on my package not sure how she sent it?maybe she only sent the debit card straight to the mission home and theother one was just sent to a bus station? might wanna check on that one. Ormaybe it will just come tomorrow because they knew that i would open mypresents early if i got it early ;) on the bright side if it never comesthen I should get a small candy bar from President and Hna Chipman tomorrowwith a little card! yay! haha.
Lets see how did this week go? pretty good, We got a good week of work inand then on Thursday we have a Zone conference with another zone and withpresident. It was pretty good, nothing out of the ordinary, there wereabout 60 missionaries there and that was lots of fun learning more. But acouple weeks ago i felt like i was getting a little bit comfortable withhow i taught my lessons so I prayed and asked for humility (which is alwaysa rookie mistake) lol jk jk. And then at the very end of the conferencePresident gets up and says that we are going to do a practice with aninvestigator in front of everyone. He looks out over all 60 missionariesand naturally chooses me and Elder Valladares. haha It was definitley ahumbling experience to say the least :) but it was good for me. I learned alot and I just hope i can find a way to put it into practice. well see:) but themoral of the story is dont pray for humility unless youre ready for it tobe given to you ;) Then the rest of the week was normal, Ive been learninghow to play piano a little bit. So far ive learned the rugrats theme song(real useful on the mission i know) Bethoveen ( just a little part) and allof Come thou fount (thats my personal fav to play because its actuallyreally easy and i feel cool when i play it) but im definitely going to haveto learn more when i get back from the mission. The piano is fun.
On the investigators front Im pretty sure that we should have a baptismthis week. Hno Christian is looking good to go. We just have to teach him alittle bit more and interview him but he is ready. He has loved thechurch so far and said that the first time that he read the book of mormonthat he felt the spirit really really strong and that he has seen a changein his life. One of the coolest things that i was thinking about the otherday is that as a missionary we enter hundreds of house, and invite everyoneto read and pray with a sincere heart. I was wondering how many times ihave done that so far in these 8 months, then i was thinking back on all ofthe investigators and converts that have actually done it...and those arethe ones that i can count up. For some reason its incredibly hard toget people to readthe Book of Mormon, but as one prophet said (whos name i dont remeber...justtrust me on this one ;)) "no one can read the Book of Mormon and pray withreal intent and NOT recieve a witness of its truthfulness, its just notpossible". Now helping someone to have that real intent is where it getstricky. But I have seen a lot of people, each with their own difficulty,trial, or problem, read the Book of Mormon and feel the Holy Ghost speak totheir soul. Its unlike anything ANYONE has ever felt before, its unlikeanything I have ever felt before (although when UCLA beat Gonzaga in theNCAA tournament it came close ;)) no no jk jk. Nothing comes close to it.Nothing will EVER come close to it. But thats why im here right? para queellos sepan lo que yo sé.
Hope everyone has a good week! Fingers crossed for a baptism! ;) Love youall and Miss you even more!
Hasta la próxima semana,
Elder Woodburn
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