Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Hola from....

....the hospital?

haha well this week was a little bit weird. it started off normal like
usual, just going to work. but then thursday morning we had a meeting
with President and Sister Rowley to get to know them a little bit
which was cool. they are really nice and already know spanish better
than i do becuase they both served missions in south america. It was
really weird though becuase they are both so young compared to Pres
and Sis Chipman. But im excited to work with them. Theyll be great.
But then after the meeting in the morning we went out to proselyte and
Elder Garcias stomach was killing him. It was actually pretty funny.
We got to one of the doors where we had an appointment and she opened
up and he started talking to her and was like "yeah so we came to
visit you but the thing is...we kinda have this emergency that we need
to take care of..." and then looked over at me and i was like "...yeah
so were gonna come back another day..." and then we had to take a
"moto" or a taxi home so that he could make it to the bathroom. We
ended up going to the hospital the next day (friday) and finding out
that he had an infection in his intestine and that he needed to stay a
few days so that they could flush it out. So we ended up staying they
from friday to today...it was great fun. The thing was that we had no
idea that we were going to stay there over night so we didnt have any
clothes to change into or anything. It was terrible and i smelled so
bad. Reminded me of being a little kid and wearing the same clothes
like 4 days straight. but all in all it turned out okay. Elder Garcia
is doing fine now and we left early this morning. i had to spend a
couple nights on the little bed side couch but thats okay :)

It was definitiely rough spending all that time in the hospital though
with nothing to do. Especially when youve spent nearly every day of
the last 10 months doing something on a schedule and being productive.
Weird to think about, i would have rather been out knocking doors than
resting haha. Oh well, now its back to work. which is good because no
one had visited or talked to our investigators in a few days :s

So times up on emailing but i love you all tons! keep up all the good
work back home and ill keep working down here in Piura. If you get
ahold of Alec tell him congrats on finishing strong but that im mad at
hime because he never wrote me back. Same goes for Cory and Elder
Siddoway. haha

Love you all tons,
Elder Woodburn

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