Thursday, September 13, 2012

Whats new from Peru?

Hola a todos!

This week went well enough here in Peru. The most exciting part was
definitiely this morning though. We were in our room and i was writing
letters home. It was Elder Garcias turn to sweep so he moved the bed
and BOOM! there was a bat on the ground. haha Its funny because last
night i woke up in the middle of the night and could hear a bat making
noise. I wasnt sure where it was and it crossed my mind "is that thing
in our room?" but in the end i just thought "eh oh well" and went back
to bed. haha little did i know that it really was in our room and that
it was sleeping under our bed. Dont worry, it was just a baby and no
body got bit. phew. Oh another cool thing that im sure will scare mom
is that the other day at about 5 45 in the morning there was a nice
little earthquake here in Piura. it was probably like a 3 or so. so
nothing much but still cool. From what everyone else has told us there
have been quite a few earthquakes in Certral America Lately? pretty
scary stuff.

Haha i love the story about pops. Someone ask him for me if hes still
"king"? haha Oh so this last friday we had a big family home evening
in the house of a member and invited like 10 familes to come. So we
had a little message and played games and ate cake. But then Peru was
playing against Venezuela and if Peru lost they would be eliminated
from world cup contention so they started to watch the game. They were
all really interested up until Venezuela scored a goal and everyone
went home...haha classic. But then we went to our pensionista and ate
dinner too. We were walking back to our room and all we heard was
haha apparently Peru scored two goals and ended up winning the match.
the people were going nuts and ran out into the streets to honk the
horns on their cars and motos haha. the next day everyone was
defiitley much more happy. But now they play against Argentina on
Tuesday and Messi who is the best player in the world sure
itll be short lived haha.

Oh and one more thing. Instead of putting Elder Stephensons name on
packages now, from now until the end of the mission you should put
Chad Alvin Rowley. Thanks!

Well thats all from here in Peru this week. We should have a couple
baptisms this next Sunday from that really awesome family that we are
teaching. Lots of prayers! haha. Love you all tons and thanks for the
constant support!

Hasta la próxima

Elder Woodburn

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