Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Hola Hola Hola

How is everyone doing? It was a pretty good week here in Catacaos, It
seemed to go by pretty quickly. We spent most all of our time working
as usual, knocking lots of doors and getting rejected a lot. Good
times good times. Then Sunday we had stake conference here in
Castilla. It was pretty good. The coolest part though was being able
to see a bunch of members and converts from La Union when they came to
stake conference. It was great to see some of the converts making the
hour long trip out to the stake center with all the members. The best
was seeing "la hermana meche". haha she was our pensionista in La
Union and probably the best pensionista in the whole mission. Shes way
funny and nice and today we also went to La Union as a zone, all 26
missionaries to play games and play soccer. But she made us lunch so
that was waaay delicious and she promised to make me some tacos and
send them to me through the other elders! hahaha.

This week weve been working with a really great family. Its a single
mom and her two kids and they are really excited to be baptized in the
church. We knocked on their door one day and taught her a little bit
about the church and she ended up asking us what it is that she needs
to do to be baptized in the church before the end of the first lesson.
She is definitely one of those that are prepared by Heavenly Father.
It has been great to see her progress and also the growth of her son.
Homefully they will be getting baptized the 16th of September! her
name is Marianela and her kids are Christhian and Suli. haha love her
name :)

Dont worry about me. Its always difficult being with a companion all
day every day especially when your personalities dont exactly mix
perfectly, but thats part of the fun right? making it work. So thats
what im gonna keep doing, making it work and trying to love him like i
would the best of companions haha. Im nice and settled in now and this
week i came to the resolution that its time to put in the extra mile
and go to work even harder so thats what im gonna work towards now.

Thanks for the constant love and support as always. The heat is coming
back here in Peru and chances are ill get sent back to Tumbes where
its hottest of all! haha jk jk. Im actually so used to the heat that
in the mornings its about 65 degrees or so and im so cold that i study
with my gonnna die when i get back to Utah for winter.
haha. Love you all tons! Take care until the next week!

Elder Woodburn

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